Walnut Creek Historical Society to kick off Walnut Creek Open Space 50th Anniversary Celebration, June 6


On June 6, 1974, voters passed the R-8 bond measure, enabling the purchase and protection of Lime Ridge, Shell Ridge, Sugarloaf, and Acalanes undeveloped lands, and other natural spaces in and around Walnut Creek, to be preserved in perpetuity as public parks and open space.

Now, on June 6 of this year, the Walnut Creek Historical Society is hosting the 50th anniversary celebration of that seminal moment, launching a summer long Open Space History Exhibit.

The exhibit will feature a visual timeline of events and showcase milestones crucial to the success of the Open Space Foundation’s mission and the preservation of Walnut Creek’s natural environment.

It will also acknowledge community participation and grassroots activism that has enabled the purchase of more than 2,700 acres of public land.

The 50th anniversary celebration is free and open to the public.

Walnut Creek Open Space 50th Anniversary Celebration

Thursday, June 6 | 4–6pm
Hosted by
Walnut Creek Historical Society
Free Admission
Food • Entertainment • Exhibit


Shadelands Ranch Museum

2660 Ygnacio Valley Road
Walnut Creek




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